Thursday, August 30, 2018

MSM Hiding the Facts...

Ronan Farrow’s Ex-Producer Says NBC Impeded Weinstein Reporting.

(Any Republican will be better for US than any Democrat!) Newt Gingrich on The Sean Hannity Show (8/29/2018)

Liberal media's not doing Democrats any favor: Gingrich

(Don't be fooled by Progressive lies) Ben Shapiro: 7 Myths of Democratic Socialism Debunked

(Simple Fair Solution) Victor Davis Hanson 2018 - The Divided States of America

(CNN continues lying destructive divisiveness, Trump grow stronger) Scott Adams - Jeffrey Toobin’s TDS and Whatnot


(Progressive/Socialist plans to kill economy & freedom) Hannity: Bruce Ohr and astounding deep state corruption

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Won't Appear?

Senators Criticize Google CEO for Declining to Testify.

Censored Speech

CENSORED! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech.

Free speech on the 'Net?

Trump: Facebook, Twitter, Google are 'treading on very, very troubled territory'.

Why Republicans could win big in November

Republicans will hold onto the House: Ed Rollins

Unless Canada participates I see problems: Bill Richardson

Canadian economy can't survive well without a US deal: Wilbur Ross

(A cautionary opinion) This is the greatest fake bull market in history: David Stockman

Levin: Trump in great shape when it comes to the law

Monday, August 27, 2018

(Tell your neighbor: Socialism doesn't work!) Stocks jump to record highs as US reaches trade deal with Mexico

Will the US-Mexico trade deal benefit American workers?

Detroit should be happy about US-Mexico trade deal: Peter Navarro

(More reasons to Vote for Trump's Aganda in November) Trump has once again stunned his detractors: Dobbs

Climatology is a "Joke" - Nobel Laureate Dr Kary Mullis

Why Michael Cohen Charges Do Not Matter! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!

(Elites don't get that America isn't their property?) Steyn: Trump 'annulment' reflects left's denial

(Sessions' DOJ Coverup continues) NEW Classified Clinton Emails Obtained by Judicial Watch

JW: IRS Documents Reveal McCain Staffer Urged IRS to Engage in “Financia...

Joe diGenova on Tensions Between Trump and Sessions

Pat Buchanan: Do Democrats Want an Impeachment Fight?

Why Dems fear the truth coming out

(& How money corupts the FBI) “Why The Hell Are You Protecting Hillary?”, Trump Fires Back At FBI Over...

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Conrad Black - The 'Civil War' in the American Media

The Unprecedented President Trump

(Reaching Liberals) Steve Crowder in an Exciting Q&A @YAF anniversary

Black Republicans Respond to "Death of a Nation" Documentary (Part Two)

Black Republicans Respond to "Death of a Nation" Documentary

Ann Coulter: Is There Anything the Left Won't Say to Attack Trump?

Ann Coulter examines the Trump-hating left in new book

Will Trump Be Impeached? Don't Hold Your Breath. Cohen and Manafort Conv...

Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager: Ep. 49

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Levin: Want to see REAL campaign finance violations? Look at these creeps in Congress

From One Psychodrama to Another

Scott Adams - How Analogies are Destroying The Country

A Nation of Immigrants

Political fallout from Cohen, Manafort

Alan Dershowitz: No impeachable offenses against Trump

Scott Adams talks about who is crazier — President Trump or his critics

Former Trump adviser: DOJ coerced Cohen to tell lies

Mark Levin slams Michael Cohen's plea deal

Monday, August 20, 2018

“You LIED About Benghazi”, Newt GIVES PERFECT Examples Of Why Brennan Sh...

Hannity: Equal justice under the law is in jeopardy

Giuliani: Mueller wants to be 'judge and jury' of midterms

Tucker: Ruling class loses control in Trump's presence

Everything Wrong With Alexandria Orasio Cortez! | Louder With Crowder

"Socialism is theft" Ben Shapiro SLAMS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez while de...

The End of London. Prepare Yourself.

(+ Clear choice for Midterms) Gingrich: John Brennan was engaged in lying to Americans

2018-08-19 - Scott Adams wonders if we have reached peak Trump Derangeme...

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Joe diGenova Discusses the Latest on the Mueller Probe

"You're entitled to your opinions not FACTS" Dinesh D'Souza drops epic l...

History of the DNC: Dinesh D'Souza Exposes the secrets of the Democratic...

Ben Shapiro SHUTS UP smart atheist with one line

Jordan Peterson's Most Shocking Message!

Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmo...

("Can't recognize a joke" can lead to war?) Scott Adams - CIA Directors Who Can’t Recognize Jokes, and RBS Scumbags

Tucker: Radicalization of the left and what they believe

Laura Ingraham: The media vs. Trump

Tucker: John Brennan is unhinged

Brennan fires back at Trump after clearance revoked

Kudlow: Economic boom is the political story of the year

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

(How the Democrats almost killed America) Death of a Nation | Dinesh D'Souza and Stefan Molyneux

“He’s Behind The Entire Investigation!”, Trump’s Lawyer CALLS OUT John B...

Popular "candy" linked to 106,000 seniors deaths

(Ouch!) Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace)

(Note this & Vote accordingly-) Ingraham: Who's really dividing America?

Frozen Dreams: Russia's Arctic obsession

Tom Fitton on Strzok's Firing: 'Body Blow' to Mueller Probe

2018-08-14 - Scott Adams talks about Amarosa because there is no other n...

Friday, August 10, 2018

Scott Adams - Kanye on Kimmel, BLM Not Voting, and The Makeup Artist Mug...

Tom Fitton:BIG Judicial Watch Court Victory--DOJ FORCED to Preserve Come...

6 Psychological TRICKS to Make People LIKE You IMMEDIATELY

CNN Caught Planting an Anti-Trump Socialist Posing as Trump Supporter | ...

Mark Levin slams Mueller as a 'plaything of the Democrats'

(Capitalism solves problems, not Socialism) Midterms exposing divide in Democratic Party?

Sekulow: Russia investigation 'corrupt at its inception'

Texas Gov. Abbott talks sanctuary cities, bail reform

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Laura Ingraham: Could the expert class be wrong again?

Dershowitz: Why Mueller-Trump interview won't happen

"No one cares about your feelings" Ben Shapiro MELTS LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES

"You should read some history" Ben Shapiro THROWS ARROGANT LEFTIST to th...

"Argue with the FACTS, not opinions" Ben Shapiro SHUTDOWN Transgender ar...

President Donald Trump HUGE announcement on Prison Reform with State Off...


Academia Doesn’t Get to Define ‘Racism’ for the Rest of Us

The Police Were Not Policed

(Remember the Deep State wants to control YOU) Judicial Watch: Why Did Robert Mueller Collude with Lois Lerner in IRS S...

Ingraham: The left's effort to remake America